2025 Registration Prices

Football Registration = $250.00
Cheer Registration = $200.00

Cheerleading registration covers:
– New cheer shoes
– Rain jacket
– 3 poms (pink, silver, blue)
– 2 bows (game bow and pink bow)
– Choreography fee
– Cost for halftime music
There will be a mandatory uniform fitting day on April 15th.  Families will need to ensure their
cheerleaders has a uniform top, skirt, and complete warm up set that fits. Families of new
cheerleaders will need to purchase their uniform.  Returning cheerleaders will have the
opportunity to order new items for anything they may have outgrown from the prior season.
Cheerleaders will also have the option to purchase a red bookbag to carry all their belongs for
practices and games. The bookbag is not mandatory but it is highly recommended.

Football registration covers:
– New uniforms – game jersey, game pants, and pink jersey
o Additional information to be announced at a later date

– Cost of reconditioning of equipment
– Purchase of new football equipment