
Shaler Area Little Titans Bylaws

Last Updated: January 7, 2025

Approved: January 7, 2025


 Organization Name:


Shaler Area Little Titans of Shaler (the “Association”).  The Association is authorized by these By-Laws to utilize the name “Shaler Area Little Titans” and the abbreviations “SALT” or “Little Titans” in lieu of its full name with the same legal effects as its full name.


 Mission Statement:


Shaler Area Little Titans is to install in the youth of the Shaler Area community the ideals of good sportsmanship, teamwork, respect, and work ethic. The objective shall be achieved by providing developmental, and friendly competition of youth football and cheerleading. The winning of games and competition shall come second to the objective of SALT.


 SALT Membership Framework:

  • Executive Board
      • President
      • Vice President
      • Treasurer
      • Secretary
  • Coordinator Chairs
      • Football League Representative
      • Cheer Coordinator
      • Volunteer
      • Event Coordinator
      • Concession
  • General Membership
    • Family in good standing is defined as an active participant for at least 1 season.
      • Active participant – volunteer requirements and monetary obligations fulfilled/up to date.
      • Good standing – no disciplinary actions in the past year

Governing Body:


SALT shall be governed by “The Board” consisting of the executive board and coordinator chairs. All matters concerning SALT shall be decided by a majority vote of the board. Parent votes will be utilized to determine significant matters that affect all general membership.


All Board Members shall be members of the Association and shall expect to have a player or cheerleader participating in the Association. Members of the Association shall be the parents or legal guardians of all children registered and participating in the programs offered by this Association. If a member no longer has a child participating in the program, they must resign from their appointed position by the first meeting of the new year. (The fiscal year of the Association shall begin January 1st and end December 31st.)


 Role of Executive Board and Coordinator Chairs:


Excluding the Football League Coordinator, all executive board positions and coordinator chairs are voting positions in the SALT governing body (see above).

  • Executive Board
  • President
        • Responsible for the leadership and coordination of activities and operations of SALT. Will preside at all league, board, and general membership meetings and direct affairs of the organization impartially. Will oversee all executive board and coordinator positions to delegate roles/responsibilities and ensure all roles are completed efficiently.
  • Vice President
        • Responsible for supporting the management and coordination of activities and operations of SALT. In the absence of the President, shall preside over all meetings of the board and general membership and have all the powers of the President. Will assist in overseeing all executive board and coordinator positions to delegate roles/responsibilities.
  • Treasurer
        • Responsible for managing the finances for SALT by keeping an accurate account of all income, expenditures, and deposits/withdrawals. Will maintain all SALT funds and accounts and provide transparent, written final reports at monthly board meetings.
  • Secretary
        • Responsible for internal communications and records for SALT by documenting the proceedings of all board and general membership meetings. Will ensure electronic distribution of meeting minutes and Bylaws and maintain accurate records of attendance, etc.
    • Coordinator Chairs
  • Football League Representative
        • Responsible for attending all league meetings and will report to the SALT Board at the regularly scheduled monthly Board meetings the content and issues addressed in the league. Will represent SALT’s best interests and act/communicate in a professional manner to the league board and all community representatives.
  • Cheer Coordinator
  • Responsible for managing all aspects of the cheer program for SALT. Ensure all reasonable levels of safety during practices, games, and policies, as well as rules and responsibilities are adhered to by all coaches.  Select coaches and helpers responsible for coordinating the day-to-day activities of each of the cheerleading squads.  Selecting and ordering of all components of the Cheerleading Outfits
  • Volunteer
        • Responsible for organizing and managing volunteer opportunities for the general membership. Will inventory volunteer requirements to ensure general membership in good standing and communicate deficits with members.
  • Event Coordinator
  • Responsible for organizing and managing all aspects of football and cheerleader events such as homecoming, youth day, recognition, and banquet from planning and logistics to on-site execution.
  • Concession
      • Responsible for coordinating with the Treasurer to purchase, price, and inventory concession items. Will manage concession operations, along with the Executive Board, and ensure concession is open, cleaned, and closed.


 Nominations and Elections:


All executive board positions will be voted upon every 2 years and coordinator chairs will be voted upon annually (the Executive Board will select coordinator chairs from a self-nominee pool). Nominations will be done electronically and be accepted until one week prior to the November board meeting. Nominees must be members in good standing and agree to the office they are nominated for before their name is placed on the ballot. A candidate can only run for one position. Voting will be done electronically utilizing the following procedure for Executive Board positions:

  • Only SALT members in good standing will receive a voting ballot (email)
  • 1 vote per family: all active families shall have a vote, and all votes carry equal weight.
  • Voting will remain open for one full week
  • Results will be posted for all SALT members once voting window closes
  • Transfer of executive and coordinator roles will occur at the December board meeting.




  • If no one is nominated for a board position, the current executive board and coordinator chairs will determine the vacancy.
  • If only one nominee is on the ballot for a position, that candidate will automatically assume the position.
  • If a board vacancy occurs prior to an election, the position will be filled by the nominee who received the next highest votes from the previous election and a majority vote of the board.


Financial Policy/Association Accounts:


  • All funds of the Association shall be deposited and maintained in depository accounts, checking or savings. All accounts shall be maintained in the name of the Association. All revenues and expenditures are to be deposited and disbursed from a common treasury. The President, the Vice President, and the Treasurer shall be the sole authorized signatures for withdrawal of Association funds. The Treasurer shall have the responsibility of depositing and accounting for all Association monies. The Association may establish Rules regarding its financial policies.
  • The fiscal year of the Association shall begin January 1st and end December 31st.
  • The Board Members shall not receive compensation for their services but may be reimbursed upon Board approval for expenditures related to the Association.
  • No Board member shall use the Association funds for personal expenses. If found by the Board that funds are being abused for personal gain, this will be terms for immediate termination.




    • General membership meetings will be open to the public and will be held on a first Tuesday of June through October, unless otherwise scheduled by the board. Location/time to be determined by the board and will be listed on the webpage.
    • The board has administrative rights to change dates of any meeting or call special meetings.
    • The board may schedule additional closed work session meetings as needed.
    • All meetings shall be governed by the rules of the following order:
  • Call to Order
  • Roll Call
  • Consideration of Minutes of Previous Meeting
  • President’s Report
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Reports of Committees
  • Old Business
  • New Business
  • All Voting
  • Adjournment
  • Meeting minutes will be recorded by the SALT Secretary and posted to the SALT website for organization transparency.
  • Written request to appear on the meeting agenda must be submitted via email to the SALT Secretary 7 days prior to the meeting.


 Amendments to the Bylaws:


These bylaws can be amended at any general membership meeting so long as the following applies:

  • The proposed amendments have been submitted electronically (via email) to the Secretary 7 days prior to the meeting/voting.
  • The amendment passes by a majority of the board members present at the general membership meeting.
  • A quorum is required for a vote: a majority of voting members and the President and Vice President must be in attendance to vote and take approval action.




Coaching staff for each team includes:  Head coach, 1st assistant, and assistant coaches (number of assistants determined through enrollment numbers and may vary by season). Coaching candidates express interest via online registration or email to the SALT executive board. NO interested coach candidates will be accepted after annual registration closes.


  • Football Selection Process:
  • The Board will oversee candidate questionnaires and head coach interviews.
  • Qualifications include, but are not limited to: past experience, prior coaching experience, advantageous personal qualities, cooperative traits, and communication skills.
  • Head coaches may nominate one 1st assistant, who must be an offensive or defensive coordinator, approved by the Board.
  • Assistant coaches will be allotted through team selection/draft.
  • Head Coaches may not serve on the SALT Board simultaneously.


    • Cheerleading Selection Process:
  • The Board will oversee candidate questionnaires and head coach interviews.
  • Qualifications include, but are not limited to: past experience, prior coaching experience, advantageous personal qualities, cooperative traits, and communication skills.
  • There will be 1 head coach per squad and a maximum of 4 assistant coaches to ensure at minimum a 1:5 coach/cheerleader ratio.
  • Head Coaches may not serve on the SALT Board simultaneously.


  • Mandatory Clearances
  • All Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches must provide the following clearances (electronic and/or hard copy) prior to first practice: Pennsylvania Criminal History Report and a Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance.
  • Hard copy and/or electronic copy turned into: Secretary


  • Mandatory Training
  • All football coaches must complete the following training prior to heat acclimation practice: USA Football Coach Certification.
  • All cheerleader coaches must complete the CDC Heads Up training.
  • Certifications turned into turned into: Secretary


  • Responsibilities (include but not limited to)
  • Cooperate and communicate professionally with staff, players, parents, game day personnel, opponents, etc.
  • Develop skills and knowledge safely in accordance with SALT preferred practices.
  • Ensure all athletes have been picked up after all games/practices
  • Have an Emergency First Aid Kit, supplied by SALT, on the practice and game fields at all times.
  • Ensure adequate playing time in relation to age/grade, skill, practice attendance, cooperation, etc.
  • Use positive coaching techniques – build self-esteem, confidence, and team spirit.


 Parent Responsibilities:


  • 1 parent or guardian must be present at games and practices at all times
  • Must fulfill volunteer and fundraising requirements allotted by the board
  • Must follow appropriate chain of command:
  • All concerns should be directed to the Cheer and Football Coordinator, waiting at least 24 hours AFTER the incident.
  • The Coordinator will take concerns to the Board and specific coaching staff.


 Player/Cheerleader Eligibility & Conduct:


  • All players must reside in the Shaler Area School District. Exceptions may be made in accordance with league bylaws.
  • All football players are not permitted to play for another tackle football organization during our practice/game season due to safety concerns, schedule conflicts and time commitment to our organization.
  • All players/cheerleaders must abide by the rules of the organization and game.
  • All players/cheerleaders will display respectful behavior towards teammates, opposing players, coaches, and referees.
  • All players/cheerleaders will show good sportsmanship with winning and losing.
  • Bullying will not be tolerated.
  • All players/cheerleaders should understand that participation on an athletic team requires commitment and dedication. All players are required to attend practices, starting with Heat Week. Exceptions will be made on an individual basis (illness, scheduled vacations). Play time may be affected by attendance at practice, behavior, effort, and attitude.


 Affiliations and League Play:


It is understood that all those participating in SALT activities must abide by the League bylaws and rules. The current League affiliation is the United Youth Football League.




The Association is committed to an environment in which all people are treated with respect and dignity. Everyone has a right to an environment that is free from sexual harassment, intimidation, and the threat of physical or psychological abuse. The Association expects that all individuals conduct themselves in a courteous, professional manner and all relationships within the Association be free from harassment. Persons accused of violating the standard shall be given an opportunity to be reviewed by the Board. People found to be in violation of this standard shall be disciplined, which may include expulsion or probation from participating in Association activities indefinitely.


Below are the steps that will be taken regarding disciplinary actions:

  1. Verbal Warning: First step for minor infractions. Conversation will be had between the individual and the President to address the issue, explain expectations, and offer guidance for improvement.  Documentation will be given to the individual to validate the warning.
  2. Written Warning: If the behavior continues or is more serious, a written warning is issued. A formal letter that details the unacceptable behavior, the consequences of continued misconduct, and the expectations for improvement will be given to the individual.  A of the letter will be saved for future reference.
  3. Termination/Expulsion: If the behavior continues to occur after the written and verbal warnings the individual in addition to the player/cheerleader will be dismissed from the program.

Families/Parents/Players/Cheerleaders with a termination from a prior year will need to gain approval from the current board before registering for the new year.

Football Team Division:


United Youth Football League rules require that we must ensure that weight, size, grade, and athletic ability are equally distributed across all teams.


    • Weights and age divisions shall be as follows:
  • Weights shall be determined using the UYFL weigh-in procedures.
  • Player’s league age shall be as of July 31 of the current year.
        • Small—6-8 year-olds—110 lb. maximum
        • Medium—9-10 year-olds—130 lb. maximum
        • Big-11-12 year-olds—150 lb. maximum
  • A certified copy of the birth certificate for each player is required as proof of age.
  • The maximum roster size per UYFL is 40 athletes. Once registration surpasses (40) athletes per age group, SALT will cut off registration for that specific weight limit.


Cheerleading Squad Division:


SALT Cheerleading squads are divided by grade level. Cheerleaders will be placed on the designated squad based on the grade level your child is entering during the upcoming academic school year.


Squad divisions shall be as follows:

  • Small – entering Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade
  • Middle – entering 3rd and 4th grade
  • Big – entering 5th and 6th grade




All members are representatives of the SALT Organization and sportsmanship will be expected from all coaches, athletes, parents, and fans at all times. Any inappropriate behavior or conduct will not be tolerated. Any such behavior can jeopardize the entire SALT participation in the current League.


No player, coach, cheerleader, parent, or visitor is to:

  • Verbally abuse an official, player (home or opposing team), coach, or spectator.
  • Refuse to abide by an official’s decision.
  • Use profane language or gestures.
  • Throw any equipment, objects, or any other forceful actions.
  • Physically attack any player, coach, official, or spectator.
  • Use social media that will negatively affect the SALT organization and current league.


 General Rules:

  • No one other than athletes, coaches, and board members will be permitted on the fields at any time during any game. This includes before, half-time, and after the game.
  • It is the responsibility of the person consuming food/drink to discard all garbage.
  • No smoking, pets, alcohol, illegal drugs, or use of profanity is permitted on school property.